Utah DUI Attorney Blog

Branson K. West DUI Attorney in Utah

Top 10 Things to Know if You Are Pulled Over for a DUI in Utah

Posted on Feb 6th 2014


Top 10 Things to Know if You Are Pulled Over for a DUI in Utah

Utah DUI Tips

Getting pulled over and charged with a DUI can be a terrifying experience. Unfortunately, people often unintentionally hurt the ability to defend their case. Below are the top 10 things you should know if you are pulled over for a DUI in Utah.

  1. Contact an Experienced DUI Defense Lawyer when you are pulled over for a Utah DUI. In Utah, you only have seven (10) calendar days to request a driver’s license division hearing or our drivers license will suspend automatically.
  2. You have 5 to 14 days to contact the court or a warrant for your arrest may be issued.
  3. Be polite. Being rude or belligerent will not help you in any way.
  4. Don't help the officers make a case against you. You are being recorded on camera and anything you say or do will be used against you.
  5. Field sobriety tests are voluntary.
  6. If you refuse a field sobriety test, the police officer can either end the encounter and decide they do not have enough evidence, or they can get a warrant and draw your blood.
  7. Do not automatically plead guilty. By contacting an aggressive attorney, you have a fighting chance to significantly reduce or dismiss your charges.
  8. Write down your recollection of events to help your DUI attorney accurately evaluate your case.
  9. If you refuse a test, your license will automatically be revoked.
  10. Last but not least, avoid drinking and driving. If you don't consume alcohol or drugs before attempting to drive a vehicle, you won't have to worry about getting a DUI.

The Utah DUI process is complicated and hard to navigate. By working with a qualified DUI attorney, you ensure that your rights are protected through the entire DUI defense process. Contact Branson West Law for more information or for a free DUI case review.